Thursday, April 15, 2010

Stop Calling Me That!

So, I'm minding my own business, YET AGAIN and this chick IMs me. Now mind you, she's a newb and despite what everyone thinks, I'm not a complete newb hater. I just...really dislike them.

[0:47]  NewbieChick WithBadHair: hey love i doubt it but wanted to be controled by another girl (I don't think that was complete English)
[0:48]  Shasta Chambers: Um...hi
[0:48]  NewbieChick WithBadHair: elo
[0:48]  NewbieChick WithBadHair: so what you say
[0:48]  Shasta Chambers: You just randomly picked me to control you?
[0:49]  NewbieChick WithBadHair: yep
[0:49]  NewbieChick WithBadHair: or maybe the other way around (HAHAHAHA)
[0:49]  Shasta Chambers: Yeah, that isnt very likely, might try a BDSM sim or something
[0:50]  Shasta Chambers: But good luck with that (I'm all about the manners)
[0:50]  NewbieChick WithBadHair: plz
[0:51]  NewbieChick WithBadHair: ok as you wish master
[0:51]  Shasta Chambers: ....No, No I'm not your master. You arent really my type hun
[0:51]  Shasta Chambers: You...have a vagina (It's like a vegetarian being offered thank you.)
[0:51]  NewbieChick WithBadHair: fone *pouts* (I think she meant fine...kill her for the pout)
[0:51]  Shasta Chambers: But I am sure some random person would love to hurt you or spank you or whatever it is you want
[0:52]  Shasta Chambers: It's nothing personal, I just have this preference, its called dick and...dick is my friend. Me and dick get along. just keep smiling or something (By this point, I'm thinking...WHY ME?)
[0:53]  NewbieChick WithBadHair: ok
[0:53]  NewbieChick WithBadHair: what ever you say master (Do not blow up on the newb Shasta!)
[0:53]  Shasta Chambers: Are you going to keep calling me that?
[0:53]  NewbieChick WithBadHair: yes master
[0:54]  Shasta Chambers: Okay, I get it. Youre a newb and you wanna get smacked up so you feel all yummy and shit but you might wanna work on some stuff first (I'm helpful too)
[0:54]  NewbieChick WithBadHair: . . .
[0:55]  NewbieChick WithBadHair: whast that mster
[0:55]  Shasta Chambers: Oh dear god. (Why did she ask me?)
[0:55]  Shasta Chambers: The hair, the clothes, the skin maybe, um...picking people randomly to be your master, the height, the whole you look like a newb know, just...little things (You only need a couple thousand L and a prayer to fix it.)
[0:56]  Shasta Chambers: See, that guy Kirk, he just smacked your ass...that means he wants to be your master (Talk about diversion)
[0:56]  NewbieChick WithBadHair: lol
[0:56]  NewbieChick WithBadHair: just the little things master
[0:56]  Shasta Chambers: Would you please stop calling me that
[0:56]  Shasta Chambers: I know Master really sounds like Shasta but...its spelled S.h.a.s.t.a.
[0:57]  NewbieChick WithBadHair: yes master
[0:57]  NewbieChick WithBadHair: sorry sorry
[0:57]  Shasta Chambers: .... (Kill me NOW!)
[0:57]  Shasta Chambers: For the love of god, what part don't you get?
[0:57]  Shasta Chambers: The I like dick part or the I dont wanna be your master part
[0:58]  Shasta Chambers: dick... or master...dick or master...its pretty clear
[0:58]  NewbieChick WithBadHair: i knew you saw it my ay
[0:58]  Shasta Chambers: No, you are not understanding
[0:58]  NewbieChick WithBadHair: lol i am only joking (Newbs scare me, thats it!)
[0:58]  Shasta Chambers: thank god
[0:58]  Shasta Chambers: you have fun
[0:59]  NewbieChick WithBadHair: i already am (Fucking bitch)
[0:59]  Shasta Chambers: and good luck finding some cooter you can...get smacked up by

FTN! to me not being able to sleep and in turn bumping into said Newb

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