This list is ever growing as new shit always arises.
Alterations made solely for the purpose of a sentence continuing between multiple messages and/or spelling errors.
All named included are used with expressed permission. Others are given anonymously. Appreciated either way.
1. Prim Babies
2. IM's with just "hi."
3. DJ's that play the exact same songs for every set.
4. Guys with over-sized pecs, arms, or legs. (Fugly!)
5. Dicks that aren't the same color as the rest of you.
6. Talking bellies.(STFU, I'm trying to get my fuck on over here)
7. Talking genitals.
8. Talking assholes.
9. Assholes that talk too much.
10. Random TP's
11. Being ruthed
12. Inflatable raft asses
13. Face lights (You were cuter when I could't see you)
14. Body lights
15. [2:05] Korii Tiger: people who set you to invisable on there friends list
16. Solicitation
17. [2:05] Corvus Dryke: and lamia ([2:06] Corvus Dryke: post mine with that comment i dont mind)
18. Greeter drop downs at stores
19. Random group invites
20. [2:09] Corvus Dryke: i hate people that stalk my friends and then try to tell me that there not (Lame)
21. Public Leashing
22. Leaving your combat hud on to show how tough you are
23. Mapping
24. Drama whoring
25. [2:10] Corvus Dryke: ONLY HAVEING 25 FUCKING GROUPS SPACES!!!
26. [2:10] Korii Tiger: i hate it when people ask me how i have sex as an animal O.o
27. Wearing hoe clothes then bitching every time someone hits on you.
28. Begging
29. Gesterbating
30. [2:10] Korii Tiger: Xcite!
31. [2:11] Korii Tiger: CHILD AVIS
32. [2:11] Korii Tiger: PREGNANT AVIS
33. Xcite having a growl option.
34. 99.9% of the things set to Full Bright.
35. Bling
36. [2:13] Korii Tiger: guys who are mostly dicks
37. [2:13] Loch Harlan: noob ween outside the noob sex pens
38. [2:13] Loch Harlan: ban lines... use a goddamn orb
39. Dicks that look like Mushrooms. (Thats just wrong on every level)
40. [2:14] Loch Harlan: the noob that flies in while you're gettin it on and just stands there... in your abode... and tries to start a convo (Cant you see my mouth is busy?)
41. Random friends requests
42. Alts who swear they arent alts but come to your spot continuously looking all decked out at 1 day old
43. [2:15] Loch Harlan: people who say u, ne1, and b4
44. People who say "mmmmm"
45. [2:15] Loch Harlan: or variants like ur
46. Strippers who write bios
47. [2:15] Corvus Dryke: i have people that try to dominate others through fear and then start to brain wash them like they cant live with out the place. [2:16] Corvus Dryke: .........coughtranscough.......... (I think he has a cold)
48. [2:16] Loch Harlan: gor!
49. [2:16] Loch Harlan: rez days (Nobody cares!)
50. Chat conferences
51. Anyone who takes themselves too fucking seriously.
52. Picture gestures
53. [2:17] Corvus Dryke: i hate it when i go to a sim and i get spammed to death about fucking rules then some uppity royal pain in the ass tells me what i can and cant do [2:18] Corvus Dryke: ......coughtranscough...... (Damn that cold)
54. [2:18] Loch Harlan: either "no drama zone" or the like... OR.... "fuck with my friend and i will make your life amg so many hells" in a profile
55. Royalty
56. Tag whores
57. Locations that ask to put up your profile pic
58. [2:19] Loch Harlan: people who think Tiny Empires is an actual hierarchy you're beholden to
59. [2:19] Korii Tiger: drama queens who have to write in their profiles *no drama zone*
60. RPers who "don't rp" [2:19] Corvus Dryke: sorry "i dont RP" GET FUCKED YOU ARE IN SECONDLIFE THIS IS A FUCKING RP YOU NEWB!!!!
61. [2:19] Loch Harlan: werevampire unicorn nekos who get pissy when you don't "get" them and their needs
62. People who pet animals or call every cat "here kitty"
63. [2:20] Korii Tiger: oh profiles that say * insert catchy phrase or quote here*
64. [2:20] Loch Harlan: anyone who calls anyone else a "nerd" while *IN* a video game
65. People who start a convo with "where are you rl" or "can i see a picture"
66. Crashing during sex!
67. [2:21] Loch Harlan: oh! the random tp over the sex menu during sex! ([2:21] Loch Harlan: nothing like mid air humping in the middle of a club suddenly. [2:22] Loch Harlan: and the followup IM... "where'd u go? :(" (Priceless)
68. Asking for an RL number
69. People who "have" to sit on every fucking poseball
70. Self proclaiming tags; "bobs girl," "amys slut," "#1 Bitch" etc etc
71. Noobs who ask what a poseball is.
72. Strangers who ask for money while I'm shopping.
73. People who save notecards and pass them around
74. People who change notecards and pass them around (Bored much?)
75. [2:24] Loch Harlan: notecard chain letters!!
76. Invites to WoW
77. Getting passed naked pictures or sex convos "by mistake"
78. Honestly passing naked pictures or sex convos by mistake. (Not like I've done that or anything.....)
79. Strippers who say "ty" after a tip.
80. Escorts
81. Ugly escorts
82. Ugly noob escorts with prim dicks.
83. [2:27] Loch Harlan: the "all 100" avs
84. [2:27] Loch Harlan: or "all 100 except a 50 head"
85. The good old days of getting shoes and hair shoved in your ass after a relog.
86. Crazy Bitch
87. Nickelback
88. Hinder
89. [2:29] Loch Harlan: or requests for something so completely foreign to what you're playing that you wonder if they're on the same planet [2:30] Loch Harlan: like "can i hear jay z" in the middle of a metal set
[2:30] Loch Harlan: no, sir, you cannot, and now you must go color with the retard crayons
90. Saying brb to be gone for an hour.
91. [2:31] Loch Harlan: people who tip 20L and think they can pretty much own your playlist
92. Adopting family only to get deleted when you dont give them money.
93. People who get emo about being deleted when you havent talked in months. (Get over yourself)
94. Everyone in the room voicing but you.
95. 10 people are in the room and 2 people are actually listening to the stream.
96. Quiet clubs because everyone is fucking
97. Bot clubs
98. SL Perfume
99. People who buy SL perfume
100. Huds that let you menstrate.
101. Pregnancy tests [2:36] Corvus Dryke: "omg im preggo" no shit you wend and got a kid from the shop got that fucking tummi talker and then you see your a fucknig bloodlines vampire that cant have kids
[2:36] Corvus Dryke: GROW THE FUCK UP AND STICK TO THE GOD DAMND STORYS!!! (He's just so angry, I love it!)
102. [2:36] Korii Tiger: BLOODLINES (Panty Liners)
103. Baby showers
104. The cost to buy lindens
105. Bachelorrette parties when you've been married 8 times.
106. [2:37] Loch Harlan: bad labels on animated furniture
107. [2:37] Korii Tiger: Sl weddings in general
108. Partnering your alt.
109. Numbers in your name
110. Clubs that look like a blind man painted them.
111. [2:40] Korii Tiger: noobs in super hero costumes
112. [2:40] Corvus Dryke: i also hate is when stalkers are like all eye balling my friend and there all like im not looking at them so i take a fucking screenshot of them with there fucknig cursor crosshairs on there body ass tits and shit and they still deny it
113. [2:40] Loch Harlan: clone club #5382 talking about how they're the greatest thing ever
114. [2:40] Korii Tiger: products that say *the most realistic *what ever* when its a right piece of shit
115. Prefabs
116. Stores that doctor their images so what you bought doesnt look like the picture.
117. No mod items.
118. Stabbing at RL over SL nonsense.
119. Checking a group or site to monitor things that just aren't in your control.
What we will never FTN! - Fearlessness to say what you really believe/feel/think. It's what we're about.
[2:43] Shasta Chambers: you guys rock, thank you for being my guest panel!!!!
[2:43] Corvus Dryke: WTF!!!!
[2:43] Corvus Dryke: your realy going to use this?
[2:43] Shasta Chambers: what do you mean wtf?
[2:43] Shasta Chambers: yeah
[2:44] Shasta Chambers: its for my blog
[2:44] Shasta Chambers: no names
[2:44] Corvus Dryke: cool FUCK YOU TRANS!!!!!!!!
[2:44] Shasta Chambers: i just type it out
[2:44] Corvus Dryke: AAAAWWWW
[2:44] Shasta Chambers: ROFLMAO
[2:44] Corvus Dryke: did i get my point across?
[2:44] Shasta Chambers: Ill quote you corvus since i have your permission
[2:44] Corvus Dryke: go 4 it